Char Broil Grill Flame Shooting Out [5 Easy Solutions] 

The reasons behind your Char Broil grill flame shooting out are the gas leaking, a clogged burner, a problem with the control valve, or trouble with the barrier or radiator.

Grills are fantastic for preparing tasty, fast, and simple meals. But while struggling with flame coming out issue, your Char Broil grill won’t smoke foods perfectly.

char broil grill flame shooting out

And thus, it may ruin your picnic or barbecue. So, to get your desired fixing, read this troubleshooting guide.

Char Broil Grill Flame Shooting Out [5 Simple Solutions] 

Your Char Broil grill flame is coming out for a variety of reasons. Ensure that the burners, gas tank, and other parts are all in good working mode. Here are five issues and answers to help you solve the problem at home with ease.

1. Gas Leak

Gas leaking is the first cause behind your grill flame shooting out. Gas leakage may happen for different reasons.  


If you smell gas, shut off the gas and investigate the cause. In case you have a natural gas grill instead of a typical gas grill with a propane tank, you may need to troubleshoot a leak a little differently. When you suspect a gas grill leak, the first thing to look for is the hoses. 

Check whether they are brittle, twisted, kinked, or broken, and ensure they are securely attached to the grill.

Any holes or abrasions may cause leaks. You can replace the gas hoses yourself if any of these issues occur.

Before detaching the hoses, shut the tank and turn the grill off. Replacement hoses may be found at a home improvement shop or ordered directly from the grill manufacturer.

2. Blocked Burner

The flame is created by gas flowing through several holes or ports along the edges of the burner. Drippings often block the ports when they flow across the burner. And it might be the cause of your Char broil grill flames shooting out. 


Remove the deposits from the burner with a wire brush, and the gas flow should return to normal. You may need to remove the burner from the grill to clean it if it becomes too blocked.

Some grills have removable burners that can easily be lifted out, while others have burners that are fastened in place and may be more challenging to remove.

Clean the area thoroughly with a strong wire brush to easily remove the burner from the grill. Ensure that the interior of the burner is clear of any debris.

Your burners should not be cleaned with oven cleaning or strong detergents. These compounds may corrode metals, even more, reducing their lifetime. 

3. Control Valve Issue

The control valve controls fuel flow to the burner. A control valve is located on each burner of your grill.

It can be a possible cause of constantly shooting out flames. A faulty control valve cannot be repaired. Instead, you need to replace the whole control valve.


Remove and examine your grill’s control valve. Insects love to nest in this area, as they do in other sections of your grill. The orifice is in the middle of the control. The fuel flow is controlled by the aperture, which might clog.

If so, clean it out with a tiny wire. Make sure everything is in the same place it was when you started.

Without the orifice, you can not control how much gas flows to the burner which puts you in danger of an explosion.

4. Barrier Or Radiant Issue 

A barrier, sometimes known as a radiant, exists between the burner and the cooking grate. Its purpose is to uniformly absorb and release heat to the cooking surface.

The barrier keeps drippings away from the burners while also providing a location for grease to accumulate and burn off.

Lava rocks, ceramic briquettes, or metal plates may all be used to make it and cause the grill flame to come out.  


These must be changed regularly because they get coated with burning fat and food, which may leave meals with a disagreeable taste. The replacement of porous lava rocks is more frequent.

Metal plates are usually easier to clean and may be used for extended periods. Examine the barrier you have installed. Consider replacing it if it is cracked, highly covered, or simply is not providing enough protection.

5. Increased Pressure. 

Don’t get scared if the propane Char broil grill is exposed to direct sunlight. On the other hand, Sunlight warms a tank.

It may raise the pressure of the gas tank. In an existing confined tank, more pressure is a bad thing. It might be the source of your grill flame shooting out. 


When pressure builds up in portable tanks with safety relief valves, the tank may expel gas into the air, where it might flame.

Summer days in certain parts of the country may be scorching. Therefore it is advisable to keep a tank in the shade at all times.


My grill’s flame keeps going out. Why is that?

A malfunctioning regulator, a leaky propane tank, a tripped OPD device, and clogged orifices are just a few of the issues that might produce low flames or go out it. If turning the knobs on your gas grill clockwise does not enhance the size of the flame, look into some of these possible causes.

Why are there so many flames on my grill?

Oil or fat dropping from food and striking the coals causes these bursts of powerful flames, resulting in a grease fire. They usually happen just after the dish is put on the grill or right after it is turned. For your safety, take measures to prevent the grease fire before it’s happening.

How do you make a low flame on a propane grill?

Turn off everything, including your gas supply at the tank, to begin. Remove the regulator from the tank and set it aside for 5 minutes. Reattach the regulator to the tank and gradually open the valve all the way. Relight the grill after 30 seconds.

What exactly does it mean to purge a propane tank?

Purging with liquid propane causes the liquid propane in your tank to burst into vapor, freezing the container and condensing any moisture vapor on the tank walls, where it will stay while the pressure is blown down.

What is the best way to deal with a low gas pressure situation?

Turn off any extraneous natural gas usage if there is no problem with the operator. If you have a gas grill, stove, water heater, fireplace, and a home heater all operating simultaneously, you may have low pressure. Allow just one device to be turned on at a time, then check the pressure to see whether it has risen.


Before looking into the Char broil grill flame shooting out problem, ensure all gas supply lines are turned off. Check to see whether your grill has totally cooled. If you have any further questions, please leave a comment. We will recommend the easiest option.

About William

William is the founder of He has real life practical skills in fixing smoker & heating appliance issues. He loves to share his knowledge & helps others in fixing their appliances & saving their money. William firmly believes that anyone can repair his or her unit with the correct guidance & knowledge. See more at about us.

4 thoughts on “Char Broil Grill Flame Shooting Out [5 Easy Solutions] ”

  1. I have a char broil table top grill and the flame is way to high when it’s set to low on the knob. Is there a way to turn the flame down? It’s like it’s on med high all the time when knob is on low. Thank you for the help

    • Hi Steve

      Generally, this type of issue happens due to clogged burners, faulty venturi tube or valve because of spider nests or dirt, the orifice may wrong for the specific type of fuel, or wrong regulator setting.

      First, clean your grill thoroghly including the valve and burners. Also, check the other issues to find out the main culprit behind the high flame problem and fix it.

      Hopefully, you will get the solution.

      Wish you all the best.

  2. I have a Charbroil Performance Grill 4 burners and we’re experiencing a good amount of flames in the front of the grill along the connecting cross over tubes that feed each of the burner tubes, is this common or is there an adjustment that can be made. Food is cooking uneven/ hotter because of the more flames in the front, any ideas?

    • Hi Jim

      Generally, this type of issue happens due to flame tamer holes, corrosion at burner tubes, or clogged burner tubes. In fact, clogs create hot spots as well as cooler areas inside the burner tubes. As a result, the food cooks unevenly.

      Well, to solve the problem do the followings-

      1. Shut off the gas tank valve & allow the grill to cool completely.

      2. Remove the grill grates & check the tamers for holes.

      3. If you get any damaged flame tamer, replace it.

      4. When the flame tamers are okay, check the burner tubes.

      5. Clean all areas, inside & outside of the burner tubes thoroughly.

      6. Replace the burner tube that has a corrosion hole.

      Hopefully, your problem will be solved.

      Wish you all the best.


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