Like every other machine or tool, pellet stoves also need maintenance and care. So, what exactly can you do when you face Lopi pellet stove troubles?

Well, this article is all about Lopi pellet stove troubleshooting. Here, you’ll learn all the insights about Lopi stoves and how to get rid of the problems with your Lopi pellet stove as you could learn from the Harman pellet stove troubleshooting guide.
If you read all the instructions and apply them accurately, you can easily cope with any kind of trouble and solve it. Now, without further intervention, let’s begin.
Table of Contents
- Lopi Pellet Stove Troubleshooting
- 1. Push Auger Not Turning
- 2. Meter Motor Not Turning
- 3. Igniter Doesn’t Come On
- 4. Pellets Don’t Ignite
- 5. The Convection Blower Doesn’t Come On
- 6. Greenlight Doesn’t Go to a Constant Glow
- Why does my pellet stove keep dropping pellets?
- Is there a reset button on a pellet stove?
- How often do you need to add pellets to a pellet stove?
- Can you run a pellet stove without electricity?
- Conclusion
Lopi Pellet Stove Troubleshooting
There can be multiple reasons behind the Lopi pellet stove problems. Some of the main reasons behind the stove problems and solutions to those problems are broken out below.
1. Push Auger Not Turning
If the push auger of your pellet stove doesn’t turn, you can take the following steps to ensure it starts functioning again properly.
- Inspect and check the brash bard tube to find if there has been any blockage, kinks, or cracks.
- Next, check the flow switch. If it lacks continuity then replace it.
- The continuity of the motor should also be inspected.
- Check if the continuity of the jumper wire between the flow switch and the auger is alright. The wires from pin #7 to the white wire should be inspected properly and replaced if necessary.
- The power of the motor is one of the main things that need to be checked. Ensuring a constant power supply to the motor is needed for the stoves to run properly.
- The power direct should be connected to the motor next to check if it’s running alright. If it’s not turning then replace the motor.
- There can be jam inside the auger flight. So, that needs to be checked too.
- If the flow switch runs alright but there’s still no power to the motor then you should probably change the control board.
2. Meter Motor Not Turning
If the metering motor of your stove doesn’t work then read the following instructions to find the solution you are looking for.
- FremovePust auger needs to be operational so that your meter motor runs perfectly.
- Check if the start light is flashing or not.
- You need to see if there’s any pellet in the hopper.
- If the stoplight on the control board is blinking after the push anger is turning you need to check the encoder. You should check if it’s in proper voltage and also if the Molex is connected to the control board.
- Again, check the power of the metering motor. This power supply should be intermittent.
- Check if the hopper’s lid is closed properly and if the switch of the lid is actuated.
- Next, the power direct should be connected to the motor to make sure it’s operational or not.
- The hopper lid should also be checked for continuity.
- You also need to check the Horizontal Rotating Discs (HRD) assembly to look for any kind of fouling or jam.
- After that inspect the pathway with the hopper closed from pin #6 of red wire to pin #7 of white wire.
- You should also look if another Molex is plugged into the board or not.
- Lastly, remove the pellets from the hopper and disconnect the metering motor to find out if the HRD is spinning freely or not.
3. Igniter Doesn’t Come On
Sometimes you might face the problem of your igniters not coming on. So, what can you do then? Don’t worry, just follow the instructions as stated below:
- Inspect and find out if the wires are connected properly
- Next, check the igniter if its continuity is okay or not. The Ohms should be (57Ω +10/-5) and if it’s not then change the igniter.
- The voltage of the igniter should also be inspected thoroughly. If it’s indicating no voltage then check the fuse. You should also see if the unit is in start mode. If it is, then it’ll flash a green light. If it’s not then replace the control board to fix the issue.
- Next, you should check the pathway for continuity. Pin #1 should go to the end of the black wire and pin #7 to the end of the white wire.
4. Pellets Don’t Ignite
Following are solutions to your Lopi stoves pellets not igniting properly.
- There’s a specific time between which the pellets should ignite. And that time is 5 to 15 minutes after the start button is turned on.
- Next, check if the gaskets on the door and the ash door is latched properly.
- Make sure that the exhaust access panel is placed accurately behind the ash pan.
5. The Convection Blower Doesn’t Come On
When the stove is in run mode you might face the problem of the convection blower not coming on. When you face an issue like this, follow the following steps.
- First, check out the system’s disc to see if the continuity is working fine. If it doesn’t, then change the system disc.
- Next, check the power supply and if you find no power when the disc is jumped then it is advised to change the control board.
- Lastly, check and connect the power supply directly to the blower.
If you don’t find any continuity or the blower fails to perform with direct power, then it is a good idea to change the blower so that the stove works fine again.
6. Greenlight Doesn’t Go to a Constant Glow
If the green light of your Lopi stove doesn’t go to constant glow, then completing the following steps might help you.
- If the green light is not visible and the red light pops out it indicates that the whole unit has gone to shut down mode.
- If this happens it is advised to check the system disc if its continuity is alright or not when heated. If it’s not continuing then you have to change the system disc for your pellet stove to function properly again.
Now that we know how to solve issues if your pellet stove is in run mode now let’s figure out how to initiate the process of shut down mode.
- There’s a stop button located at the control panel. Press it for the machine to begin shutting down. The whole process will take around 45 minutes.
- After the process begins the metering auger will stop feeding pellets. Although the push auger will continue running like before.
- After the unit is cooled off the convection blower will turn off. But the combustion blower will run for another 15 minutes.
- When everything is cooled down the stove is shut down completely and again ready to be used whenever the user may wish.
Why does my pellet stove keep dropping pellets?
If your pellet stove keeps dropping pellets, there are a few tricks you can apply to make this stop. Check if the front door, ash pan door, or hopper door lid is closed properly or not. Fill the hopper and then wait a few minutes until the stove augers the pellets into the burn pot. Venting might have been blocked.
Is there a reset button on a pellet stove?
There are lots of pellet stoves which doesn’t contain a reset button. But you can let it reset by letting the pellets run out instead. By doing this you don’t have to remove the pellets from the stove when you are not sure if it is hot or not. And once the stove runs out of pellets, it won’t be able to heat up anymore.
How often do you need to add pellets to a pellet stove?
This depends completely on the size of the hopper and how hot you are running the stove. If the pellet stove has a small hopper it may need to be filled twice a day and the stoves with big hoppers can run for four or five days straight.
Can you run a pellet stove without electricity?
No, you can’t. The stoves need an electric source to run smoothly. Without electricity, it won’t function.
Well, now you have known all about the Lopi pellet stove troubleshooting guide.
Just trace out the issue with your pellet stove & fix it following our instructions given in the article.
However, if still you face any problems with your Lopi Pellet stove, feel free to let us know in the comment box. We’ll come back with a solution ASAP.
Pellets are igniting in ash pan instead of igniter tray can you tell me why
Hi Patrick
There’s a specific time between which the pellets should ignite. And that time is 5 to 15 minutes after the start button is turned on and the ignitor to ignite the pellets being dropped into the burn pot. Consequently, the pellets don’t burn fully in the burn pot before the ignitor fully starts and some partially burned or unburned pellets ash out of the burn pot.
very helpful
Pellets ignite normally. Fire goes out 30-40 minutes after starting. Stove is clean combustion fan working.
Hi Charlie
Your Lopi pellet stove shuts off after 30-40 minutes due to one or more reasons like insufficient fuel, dried-up fire, faulty wiring, low drafting, burn pot issue, incorrect damper adjustment, and a problem with the combustion blower.
Well, to fix the issue, check all the issues one by one & fix the issue following our solution guide in the pellet stove keeps shutting off.
Hopefully, you will get the solution.
Wish you all the best.
my stove overheated and shuts itself down. I think it’s either the convection fan. When the unit was off I spun the fan and didn’t spin freely. So I’m thinking it’s the fan.
I did replace the control board about a month ago and it’s been running fine until the other day when it overheated.
thanks Joe
Hi Joe
Your Pellet stove overheats may be due to a dirty or defective fan motor. Well, to fix the issue, remove the fan motor from the back of the wood pellet stove. Then, clean the fan blades & ensure the fan blades spin freely. Also, clean your pellet stove thoroughly.
Hopefully, your problem will be solved.
Wish you all the best!
hello joe plug AGP free standing pellet stove in for first time and no power to control panel the fuse is good?
Hi Jiff
Generally, a pellet stove doesn’t produce power due to a blown fuse. Well, if you get the blown fuse, replace it to fix the issue.
Alternatively, as your pellet stove is fresh, it is also a good idea to contact the owner’s customer support center before doing anything by yourself.
Best of luck!
older lopi pioneer
, having a poor flame and waste a lot of pellets, what should i look at?
Hi Richard
Generally, the pellet stove’s poor flame issue happens due to an air problem that may cause a clogged duct, a defective fan, or broken seals on the stove doors.
Well, to fix the issue, inspect all the issues one by one & solve them.
Best of luck!
my lopi layden wood pellet stove was working just fine and now its like there is no power to the stove.the power to the stove( aka surge protector ) seems to be worhing there an internal fuse the replace?
Hi Rick
To fix the issue, make sure the pellets you use are quality pellets, the igniter is okay, there is sufficient airflow, and the control board is perfect.
Hopefully, you will get the solution.
Best of luck!
The grate just above the door is stuck. How do I unstick it for weekly cleaning? I tried to use both hands and lift then pull forward. The right side seems to want to work but the left side is stuck.
Hi Susan
The best way to open the door of your pellet stove is to expand it with something like a wrench or pipe that can be attached to the handle & it’ll be helpful to open the door.
Best of luck!
Hi, I have a now 10 year old Lopi AGP Pellet Stove. From the time it was new, the stove would occasionally drop (disconnect) from the thermostat mode. I am usually able to solve the issue by pressing the STOP button, followed by the TSAT button. The stove is now dropping the thermostat mode several times per day. The only help the original dealer offered was to replace the thermostat batteries. (Did not help)
Hi Ken
In such a case, it would be wise to hire a professional to inspect your unit to find out the main culprit behind the issue & fix it.
Best of luck!
Hello. When turning on the Lopi with whole bag of pellets in hopper, hit istat then start and hear the augur run very briefly but doesn’t pull through pellets. Just shuts off in a few seconds. Have cleaned out hopper and ash pan and else where. Still same issue